A Berry Good Shortcut for Shortcake!

IMG_20160519_173056022Strawberry season is in full swing here in the Mountain South and I’m celebrating by sharing two tasty shortcuts that go perfect with any seasonal fruit: Shortcut Shortcakes and Crème Anglaise, made in the microwave! Because these recipes are so versatile, I’m also going to show you a few ways to use them year around.


Shortcut Shortcakes


This is basically a sweet drop biscuit made with oil instead of shortening or butter. But the dough is such that it doesn’t stick so it’s easy to form. Perfect for shortcakes or also as the topping of a fruit cobbler. Did I mention how super fast these come together?

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. In a bowl whisk together:

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

1/3 cup sugar

Pour into the bowl together:

½ cup vegetable oil

2/3 cup milk or buttermilk (your choice)

Stir with a spoon just until the ‘dry’ disappears. Dough should be soft but not sticky to the touch. Drop by large spoonfuls onto a prepared cookie sheet (lined with silicone mat or parchment paper) and form into biscuit shape with your hands. Place about 2 inches apart and sprinkle each with sanding sugar. For larger biscuits, you can get between 8 and 10 out of a batch, but you can make them any size you wish. Bake for about 10 to 12 minutes at 425 degrees, or until the tops have just a touch of color. Let cool then split or break apart to make Strawberry Shortcake. Be aware this type of biscuit can be a bit crumbly, especially if you cooked it a little longer.

Crème Anglaise…ala Microwave!


Crème Anglaise is a classic vanilla dessert custard sauce usually made by slow cooking and stirring in a pot on the stove. It is also the base of good vanilla ice cream (I actually use it to make snow cream at our house in the winter!) But now, instead of slaving over a hot stove, you can make it in mere minutes in the microwave, making this a go-to sauce in your dessert repertoire.

In a glass microwave-safe bowl, beat together with a hand mixer:

6 egg yolks

1/3 cup sugar

Pinch of salt, until slightly thickened. This should take about 30 seconds. In a large glass measuring cup, heat in the microwave

2 cups of half and half, until just boiling. Carefully remove the measuring cup from the microwave and SLOWLY trickle in some of the hot milk into the egg mixture, with your hand mixer on low in the eggs. Once you’ve poured about a ¼ of it in, pour in the rest and mix just until blended. Put the mixture into the microwave for one minute on high and stir. You want the sauce to thicken slightly, but not to boil. In my microwave this took a total of 1 minute 30 seconds, but your microwave may differ. After the first minute of cooking, cook for 30 seconds and check again until it is slightly thickened. Remove from the microwave and add 2 teaspoons of vanilla and stir.

You can serve it either warm or cold. Store unused sauce in the refrigerator, warming again if desired. This sauce is wonderful spooned over Strawberry Shortcake, Fruit Cobbler, on fresh berries of any kind, over pound cake, chocolate desserts, etc.

Strawberry Coulis

In a blender, puree strawberries and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Add sugar to taste. Yummy! Goes perfect with…

Strawberry Shortcake


Using the Shortcut Shortcakes, either split or crumble a biscuit and layer with fresh sliced sugared strawberries, whipped cream, Strawberry Coulis and Crème Anglaise. Serve right away as biscuit will get soggy if you let it sit for too long. SO GOOD!

Fresh Fruit Cobbler

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Use 6 cups of whatever fruit(s) are in season. I chose blueberries, blackberries, blue berries, strawberries and peaches for mine. Squeeze in juice from half a lemon and stir in 2 tablespoons of cornstarch and ½ cup of sugar. Put fruit mixture into an 8 X 8 glass dish and top with dough from about a ½ recipe of the Shortcut Shortcakes, sprinkling the top with sanding sugar. Bake at 375 degrees for about 35 to 40 minutes or until the top is golden brown. These can also be made in individual ramekins, and baking time will be less and depend on the size. Look for golden brown tops and bubbly sides. If you fill any of these dishes too full they will bubble over in your oven, so you can bake them on a cookie sheet if you wish. Serve warm, topped with Crème Anglaise for an elegant touch, and/or whipped cream or ice cream.

Comments 3

  1. Saw you on Daytime TriCities today. Thanks for the great quick and easy Shortcake dough recipe. I will be using this a lot. Love all your great recipes on the show.
    Thanks again and God Bless.

  2. We watch you on TV when we can. Sue says that you are a professional. I agree. She is going to use your recipe with gluten free.
    I like the way you made the strawberry shortcake. My mother made strawberry shortcakes using hog lard biscuits and fresh cream from our cow. We did not know that there was any other way.

    Tom and Sue Gilliam

    1. Post

      Thank you so much! I would love to have cream fresh from the cow. I bet her shortcakes were something special! Let me know how the gluten free version turns out. I turn to America’s Test Kitchen’s How Can It Be Gluten Free cookbook when I need to bake GF myself. Happy Baking!


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