Buche de Noel: Yule Log Cake

Long ago, ancient Europeans celebrated the winter solstice by burning a special log, using bits of the previous year’s log in the fire. Over time, this ancient custom was blended in with Christmas celebrations, which eventually led to a most festive cake, called the Buche de Noel in France. This Yule Log cake is a creamy-filled sponge, rolled and frosted …

Turtle Cheesecake Bars

Here’s a delicious recipe that is perfect for all those holiday gatherings you’ll share with friends and family…unless COVID keeps you socially distanced. Whether you share these with a crowd, or enjoy them in the comfort of your own home, this dessert combines some of your favorites into one tasty treat. Turtle Cheesecake Bars Line a 9X13 pan with buttered …

Rolls with a Twist

While watching reruns of The Great British Bake Off recently, I was inspired to give a twist to one of my classic recipes: Cinnamon Roll Biscuits, which won the Hometown Dessert Challenge for my daughter and I on The Next Great Baker. You can find the recipe we used right here: http://bakingwithjulie.com/cinnamon-roll-biscuits-recipe/ But this time, instead of making a traditional …

Pumpkin Apple Bread

Who isn’t ready for fall?? I might be jumping the gun a tad on this one, but I couldn’t wait to enjoy my favorite autumn flavors. So I put them all together in this one moist loaf, combining pumpkin and apple and topping them with a crunchy nutty crumb and spicy glaze. I created this recipe this week especially for …

Taco Tips

Here are some tasty taco tips, from my Aug 14th Daytime Tri-Cities TV segment. Recipes below video. Delicious! Taco Meat Brown and drain 2 pounds ground hamburger. Put back over heat and add 3 tbsp chili powder, 2 packets of Goya Sazon, and a heaping teaspoon each of garlic powder, Badia Complete Seasoning, and cumin. Sprinkle over the meat some …

Best Summer Dessert: Banana Pudding

This is one of our family favorites and even if you make your custard from scratch like I do, it’s super simple to make. I share my version with my Daytime Tri-Cities TV family, via Skype from my home kitchen (thanks, COVID-19). Click on the linkhere for the recipe.

Father’s Day Delight: Cookies & Cream Cake

Looking for some Father’s Day inspiration for my Daytime Tri-Cities segment this week, I asked my hubs what his favorite dessert was. His answer? Cookies and Cream cake. So that’s what I’m sharing on TV and I’ll share all the recipes you’ll need when you click on this link. Enjoy!

Berry Season!

I love fresh berries! Here are several simple recipes to savor the delicious bounty of berry season. Enjoy! Strawberry Jam or Sauce 1 quart (or 1 pound) of strawberries, rinsed, hulled and chopped 1 cup of sugar (can adjust up or down to taste) Juice of one lemon (more or less to taste) For jam: put ingredients in a wide …

Saving $$ in the Kitchen

Enjoy this short clip of money-saving ideas I shared on Daytime Tri-Cities. Thanks to my daughter Danielle, and my sweet granddaughter Selah for joining me!

FREE Baking Boot Camp Cookbook

To my Daytime Tri-Cities friends: Thanks for watching and claiming your free cookbook. Feel free to share this PDF link with your family and friends. Here’s the link I promised for more Irish Soda Bread recipes: http://bakingwithjulie.com/warm-up-your-winter-with-potato-soup-and-irish-soda-bread/ And down at the bottom of this post, I have the recipe I’m using right now to make bread for my family, White …