Happy Trails!

While hiking down Unaka Mtn last weekend, I got the inspiration for this month’s Daytime Tri-Cities segment: Trail Bars and Energy Bites. I love spending time in the woods, hiking the AT, and enjoying the beauty of creation. But all that up and down with a pack on your back burns up some calories. Why settle for ho-hum boring when you can have a special snack in the middle of nowhere?

Perfect for energy on the go, these snacks are simple enough for your kids to make. And you can customize the ingredients to suit your taste. So whether you need a pick-me-up at home, the beach, the dugout, or the mountain top, give these treats a try.

Trail Bars

There are close cousins to traditional granola bars, but they are a bit softer and won’t crumble into a mess when you eat them. You can substitute ingredients or leave them out as needed for low-sugar or gluten/nut free diets. The flavor combos are endless, so have fun creating your own version.

Preheat oven to 350 F. Spray a 13 X 9 pan. In a large bowl, combine together:

1 1/2 cups rolled oats

1/2 cup whole wheat flour

1/2 cup toasted wheat germ

1/3 cup ground flax seed

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 total cup toasted/salted nuts and/or seeds of your choice (almonds, cashews, pecans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, etc.)

1 1/2 total cups of dried fruit of your choice (raisins, cranberries, cherries, blueberries, pineapple, diced dates, shredded coconut, etc.)

1/2 cup chips (chocolate, peanut butter, butterscotch, etc.)

In a smaller bowl, whisk together:

2 large eggs

1/3 cup honey

1/4 cup maple syrup

1/3 cup peanut butter

3/4 teaspoon salt

3/4 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon vanilla

Pour the “wet” ingredients over the “dry” ones and mix thoroughly. Press the mixture down firmly into your prepared pan. This step will help ensure your bar isn’t too crumbly later. Bake at 350 F for about 30 minutes, or until the edges are slightly brown and the center is set. Loosen the edges while warm. Once completely cooled, I like to turn it out on a cutting board so I can take a large knife and push it down to cut across the entire width. Cut into whatever size you wish. Keep bars covered airtight until ready to serve.

No Bake Energy Bites

I have to thank my daughter’s amazing mother-in-law for this recipe. Claire makes these often but does a low-sugar option, by using unsweetened coconut, leaving out the honey, and increasing the peanut butter, using a natural no-sugar added type.

I made the ones shown here as the recipe says, including the optional chocolate chips. I had one happy accident on my first try. My honey in my pantry had crystallized so I warmed it up in the microwave to make it pourable. I thought it had cooled down enough to mix, but it melted my chocolate chips. But it still tasted great and made them even easier to ball up later.

I think kids would really enjoy making these—and eating them!

In a large bowl, mix together:

1 cup rolled oats (quick cook is fine too)

3/4 cup toasted coconut flakes (or shredded)

1/2 cup peanut butter

1 cup ground flax seed or chia seeds (I did flax)

1/3 cup honey

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 cup mini chocolate chips (optional)

Once mixed, chill for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Then roll into balls, a bit smaller than a golf ball. Store covered in the refrigerator until ready to serve, up to one week. Makes about 15 balls, but recipe is easily doubled.

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