Oldies but Goodies: Strawberry Cobbler & Sawdust Salad

In honor of what would have been my mom’s 81st birthday, I’m sharing two dishes from her personal notebook of favorite recipes: Strawberry Cobbler and Sawdust Salad. Both are perfect for summer gatherings and easy to make.

You can see her typed recipes below. I confess I tweaked the cobbler slightly. I added a tablespoon each of fresh-squeezed lemon juice and cornstarch to a combo of strawberries and blueberries.

Don’t let the sharp cheddar cheese in the Sawdust Salad deter you. That sharpness is a nice contrast to the sweetness of the lower layers. Mom credited my paternal grandmother for this one. I am blessed to have wonderful cooks on both sides of my family tree.

Comments 4

  1. Love watching you on Daytime and your upbeat personality! We were both blessed with great family cooks and I am passionate about baking too! Thank you for posting your Mother’s recipes and I can’t wait to try them.

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  2. Thank you for sharing these, especially the sawdust salad. My Granny always made this for me when I came to visit. I miss her terribly. This brings back wonderful memories.

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