Now that two episodes of Next Great Baker have aired, I have heard quite a few comments about how certain contestants have been portrayed, especially since some of it had to do with how people perceive the way my daughter and I were treated. And it’s also caused me to think about broader issues that apply to everyone. So, here’s my opinion, for what it’s worth:
1. Anyone can be made to look bad…anyone! Try to replay what you said or did over the last 24 hours. What if someone only saw the times you lost your temper, or when you got frustrated with a coworker, or when you picked your nose or raised your voice with your kids? And that’s the only thing they saw? What would they think of you then? Anyone can look bad if you only see a few negative things about them.
Believe me when I tell you that any one of us on this show, or any other show for that matter, could be portrayed in a negative light by creative editing. Any of us. Remember that what you see isn’t all there is to see. Which brings me to my second point:
2. You don’t know the whole story. Context is a wonderful thing, but few of us have it. All of us on the show knew we were giving away our right to be represented as we desired. They couldn’t put words in our mouth, but they could certainly choose the ones they aired or which of our actions they included.
But what about the things you don’t know about? What you all didn’t see was the tremendous stress we were all under. You didn’t know the difficulties each contestant had overcame in their life, or what major struggles they were currently experiencing. You didn’t see the many simple of acts of kindness shown to each other, the funny jokes, or the words of encouragement shared.
What if you had? I guarantee your opinion would be different….very different. And that’s my point. Do you really know the whole story about the people you bump into each day? Of course not. You don’t know that the driver who cut you off just had a heated argument with their abusive ex. The lady who was rude to you at the checkout is caring 24/7 for a parent with dementia. The teenage punk who flipped you off? He’s considering suicide.
And the folks who bump into you don’t know your struggles, either. Wouldn’t life be better for all of us if we extended grace to one another, instead of passing instant judgment? What if we gave each other the benefit of the doubt, a second chance, a do over? Said a quick prayer for the rude driver instead of shouting a curse? You get the idea.
3. It’s just TV, y’all. So for all those people out there sending flaming, vulgar tweets and wishing bodily harm on reality TV people because of what is said or done on a show, please, get a life. A real one. In case you didn’t know, reality TV isn’t exactly real. Is it really worth getting upset over what so-and-so said or did, to the point your blood pressure pops and you zing out a nasty tweet or ugly Facebook post? Before you send out your opinions into cyberspace, take a good look at yourself first: and he who is without sin can cast the first stone.
4. I would like to say publicly to please give the Purple Team a break. They are not the people you think they are from just watching the show. For example, you weren’t there to hear the softness in their voices when they talked about how much they missed their kids and how determined they were to provide them with a better life. And you don’t know their life struggles, either. So please, give Bethany and Jennifer a break. And give Ginger from the Grey Team a break, too. Remember, any one of us on the show could have been portrayed negatively. And that includes me.
And to be honest, do you really want to watch a TV show where everyone holds hands and sings Kumbayah together? How boring would that be?
One final thing: I have realized that when others feel you have been slighted, it’s easy to just accept their pity and not stand up for the ones accused of hurting you. Which is why I wrote this post. It would be unfair of me to say nothing when Bethany and Jennifer are being unfairly viewed in their treatment of me. Bethany and Jennifer are both talented ladies and loving mothers. And I wish them all the best.
P.S. I’m adding this to my original post, because people have been very complimentary and I want to be completely transparent. When the negative comments were directed toward the other team, I was not as quick to defend them as I should have been. I would say a few good words about them, but I stayed mostly silent, thinking what I might say wouldn’t make much difference. But as the week went on, God showed me that was just an excuse, because a part of me actually enjoyed seeing them being criticized, because I was a little hurt by what they said. It took me a while to see this about myself, but God wants us to have pure hearts and He knew this was an area where I needed to see the truth. All of us have areas of hypocrisy. The revealing process is not pleasant at first, but the freedom that comes from submitting to His work in our hearts is a precious thing. Hopefully the next time God puts His finger on something in your heart, YOU won’t have to write a public blog post about it, like I am! But hey, it’s a small price to pay to walk in more of His freedom!
Comments 8
Thank you, Julie, for your beautiful words. You are an encourager. I love you! I agree, give ‘me a break! You rock! Danielle rocks! Jennifer & Bethany rock! Xoxo
I am so glad you posted this! You dont know the real person! Just their portrayed selves! Instead of everyone taking stabs at the removed contestants we as bakers should be standing by their side as we can not even begin to fathom what stress they are under being on tv. As a fellow baker ladies I support you 100000% Best Wishes!
I am so glad you posted this! You dont know the real person! Just their portrayed selves! Instead of everyone taking stabs at the removed contestants we as bakers should be standing by their side as we can not even begin to fathom what stress they are under being on tv. As a fellow baker ladies I support you 100000% Best Wishes!
I agree with you on this post. Reality TV is not reality at all. If they were to follow you 24/7 to see what is happening all the time, the whole picture still would not be seen. People all go through their own walk of life and the struggles it took them to get where they are or are going. In my opinion, the ones who are first to point out everyone else’s mistakes usually have way more than those they are directing them towards. Keep up the awesome work you do!
I loved this post, Julie! How true this is and I hope to remember it every single day before making judgments about people. I have enjoyed watching the show the last 2 weeks and am cheering you on! (I made your cinnamon roll biscuits the other day and we loved them!)
Loved your post, Julie – and I totally agree with you. I love watching reality TV, but I’m realistic enough to know that it is not really “real”. The fact that you are being recorded all the time, and anything you say can be “edited” and inserted into any scene – is something everyone should realize. Things can be taken out of context and totally change the meaning of your words. I always pick my favorites to root for – and this year it’s you and Danielle because I know you and want you to succeed. But just because another team or person on a reality show is not my favorite, or I don’t want them to win, doesn’t mean I have any right to “bash” them personally. Thank you, Julie, for taking the high road and defending your “reality” TV co-stars. Good luck to you all – and may the best bakers win!!!
I love your story Julie! What you said doesn’t even have to happen on a reality show. It happens in real life too. We don’t know what others have gone through or are going through. We are all sinners and need to show the love of Christ as He has not only forgiven us, but then He gives us the gift of eternal life! It doesn’t get any better than that! So on reality T.V. or in real life, where we just see each of us in moments, there should never be judgements, only love, forgiveness, grace and mercy, as we are given those gifts from God! Thank you Julie, for the reminder! God Bless and good luck!
I am all for not bashing our coworkers and that reality tv isn’t real, but I don’t believe many of the people commenting on your Facebook posts meant for it to be “slander” towards the other contestants. I think they were annoyed by how they were treating you on the show. We know they’re not bad people, but we also don’t like seeing our hometown friends receiving hate. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone. I appreciate your post, but I think everyone was just trying to be supportive.