Happy Easter! Bowtie Rabbit and Resurrection Eggs

Bowtie Rabbit


My earliest decorated cakes were cut-up cakes, and the Bowtie Rabbit is a classic example. Bake two round cakes, make two curved cuts in one of the rounds to make ears and a bowtie, and put together with frosting and cover with coconut and candies. What could be easier? I purposely made the one pictured here without any of my special cake decorating tools or fondant, so anyone can make this cake at home. The kids will love it…if the adults don’t pick off all the candy first!


Resurrection Eggs

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Here’s a twist on the traditional Easter Egg…Resurrection Eggs, which tell the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This concept of teaching children the Easter story has been around for years and you can buy finished sets, but I think it is more fun to make your own. You could actually create several sets, all with different contents.

When my children were younger, we would include the Resurrection Eggs along with the normal eggs in our Easter Egg Hunt. When all the eggs were found, we would sit in a circle and let each child open the eggs in numerical order, one at a time, as we retold the story of Easter. I have included a Word file for my version, Resurrection Eggs, which gives you a printable label, a list of what is in each egg, the message it gives, and where to find it in the Bible. But feel free to make your own version!  


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